To check if you, a friend or a loved one are getting everything you’re entitled to, contact Independent Age via their freephone helpline 0800 319 6789 or their website at
Pension Top-Up Campaign
Many older people in Greater Manchester are missing out on thousands of pounds each year due to unclaimed Pension Credit, Carer's Allowance and Attendance Allowance.
Pension Credit gives you extra money on top of your State Pension.
What You'll get
Pension Credit tops up:
your weekly income to £218.15 if you’re single
your joint weekly income to £332.95 if you have a partner
You might get extra help if you’re a carer, severely disabled, or responsible for a child or young person.
Pension Credit is separate from your State Pension.
You can get Pension Credit even if you have other income, savings or own your own home.
If you get Pension Credit, you may also be able to get other help, including:
Housing Benefit if you rent the property you live in
Winter Fuel Payment - eligibility depends on making a claim before 21st December!
Support for Mortgage Interest if you own the property you live in
a Council Tax discount
a free TV licence if you’re aged 75 or over
help with NHS dental treatment, glasses and transport costs for hospital appointments, if you get a certain type of Pension Credit
help with your heating costs through the Warm Home Discount Scheme
a discount on the Royal Mail redirection service if you’re moving house
​You must live in England, Scotland or Wales and have reached State Pension age (66) to qualify for Pension Credit.
When you apply for Pension Credit your income is calculated. If you have a partner, your income is calculated together. Your income includes:
State Pension
other pensions
earnings from employment and self-employment
certain social security benefits, for example Carer’s Allowance
If your income is too high, you might still be eligible for Pension Credit if you have a disability, you care for someone, you have savings or you have housing costs.
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Carer's Allowance gives you extra money, or increases your Pension Credit, if you care for somebody else.
What You'll Get
You could get £81.90 a week if you care for someone else.
You do not have to be related to, or live with, the person you care for.
You do not get paid extra if you care for more than one person.
If someone else also cares for the same person as you, only one of you can claim Carer’s Allowance.
If you claim Carer's Allowance, you may also be able to get other help, including:
support from your local council
a Council Tax Reduction
Universal Credit if you’re on a low income or out of work
Pension Credit if you’re over working age
grants and bursaries to help pay for courses and training
To qualify for Carer's Allowance, you must:​
Spend at least 35 hours a week caring for someone
Have a weekly income of less than £151, after tax, National Insurance, and expenses
The person you care for must already get one of these benefits:
Personal Independence Payment - daily living component
Disability Living Allowance - the middle or highest care rate
Attendance Allowance
Constant Attendance Allowance at or above the normal maximum rate with an Industrial Injuries Disablement Benefit
Constant Attendance Allowance at the basic (full day) rate with a War Disablement Pension
Armed Forces Independence Payment
Child Disability Payment - the middle or highest care rate
Adult Disability Payment - daily living component at the standard or enhanced rate
If your State Pension is more than £81.90 a week, you will not qualify for Carer's Allowance, but you may get increased Pension Credit income.
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Attendance Allowance helps with extra costs if you have a disability severe enough that you need someone to help look after you.
What You'll Get
Attendance Allowance is paid weekly at 2 different rates - the one you get depends on the level of help you need.
Lower rate (£72.65) - Frequent help or constant supervision during the day, or supervision at night.
Higher rate (£108.55) - Help or supervision throughout both day and night, or a medical professional has said you’re nearing the end of life.
If you claim Attendance Allowance, you may also be able to get other help, including:
Increased Pension Credit
Housing Benefit
Council Tax Reduction
You can get Attendance Allowance if you’ve reached State Pension age and the following apply:
you have a physical disability (including sensory disability, for example blindness), a mental disability (including learning difficulties), or both
your disability is severe enough for you to need help caring for yourself or someone to supervise you, for your own or someone else’s safety
you have needed that help for at least 6 months
you do not get Disability Living Allowance (DLA), Personal Independence Payment (PIP) or Adult Disability Payment (ADP)
What support is available in my locality?
For advice and support related to Pension Credit and other benefits, ring Age UK's national helpline on 0800 055 6112
Some households will receive automatic payments if you receive council tax support or housing benefit. If you are aged 66-79, you will receive £150, and £200 if you are aged 80 and over.
If you are over 66, not eligible for council tax support or housing benefit and you didn't get a Winter fuel payment, the Council is making payments up to the end of March of £150-£200. The form is quick and easy to fill in and you won't be asked anything about any savings. This is the link:
Payments will be made as promptly as possible to bank accounts or through post office vouchers.
You will need to give contact details and your National Insurance number. Family members can make an application on your behalf.
Or, if you need help filling in the form, please call for free on our cost of living advice line on 0800 023 2692.