+ What is the GMOPN?

About the GMOPN
The Greater Manchester Older People's Network is a network of people aged 50 and above and organisational representatives working for positive change for older people in Greater Manchester
The Greater Manchester Older People’s Network (GMOPN) was first established in 2015 as part of the Ambition for Ageing Programme and has since grown to over 430 members. Over the past 5 years we have worked hard to grow our membership to ensure as many older people as possible from across Greater Manchester have the opportunity to get their voices heard.
The network has membership from all the boroughs in Greater Manchester and aims to be a representative voice for older people.
It works in partnership with many organisations across Greater Manchester, and maintains a strong link with the Greater Manchester Ageing Hub (Greater Manchester Combined Authority). The GMOPN is supported by Macc (the support organisation for the voluntary and community sector in Manchester).
Our Values
The network is committed to the following values and principles
Being led by older people – the network ensures that older people take a leading role in the network, shaping its direction and priorities.
Being Age Proud – the network works to celebrate ageing and to emphasise the contributions that older people bring to our society.
Being representative and inclusive – encouraging the input of older people from all areas of Greater Manchester, from across the age range and representing all voices, including the most marginalised.

To make sure that decisions made and work undertaken across Greater Manchester take into account the values and priorities of older people
To promote the significance of older people as vital members of communities and society
To make sure that older people from every borough of Greater Manchester have a chance to have their voices heard and have an influence.
To draw attention to the diverse issues that affect within Greater Manchester, with particular focus on tackling social isolation and creating age-friendly neighbourhoods.
To work with a wide range of organisations, the statutory sector and local and Greater Manchester Authorities to make sure that older people can influence policies, projects and services that affect them.
To make sure our network is inclusive and reflective of Greater Manchester’s diverse population and communities.
To promote a positive narrative about ageing and encourage others to do the same