+ Join us as an organisational representative
Although the network is committed to being led by older people we recognise that representatives of organisations working with older people are important advocates for older people and can be the voice for people who would otherwise not have an opportunity to share their views.
+ How to join
Anyone working for an organisation in Greater Manchester with a connection to older people is eligible to join the network. We have members from charities and small groups and social enterprises, the statutory sector and the private sector. We are committed to improving the lives of older people and this means working together.

+ What the network provides:

A co-ordinated network of individual older people, organisational representatives and group representatives with an interest in making positive change for older people in Greater Manchester.
A way for organisations with an interest in older people to share information about their services, consult and collaborate with our individual members.
The opportunity to present at our working groups (Health and Social Care, Housing and Transport) and to work on collaborative projects with our individual members.
The opportunity to take part in campaigns.
Opportunities for discussion and sharing of information on issues which affect older people as they arise in Greater Manchester
A forum where the views of older people themselves are made known to third sector service providers and the statutory sector.
A focal point for partnership and collaboration where older people themselves are always central.
Joining our focus group
Becoming an online image reviewer
+ What you'll receive
monthly newsletter and regular mailings
Access to events, workshops and briefing sessions
Training Events